Celltox®Detoxification Therapy

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Cellular detox. The world health organization confirmed that until 2018 more than 80% of the world’s population have some degree of poisoning.
It is astonishing to admit that since 1954 disease rates have skyrocketed by 5,000 percent, these disproportionate numbers have contributed to declining health, for which over 10 million different drugs and products have been developed throughout the world to improve quality of life and alleviate the symptoms of many diseases that are largely due to the body’s adaptive response to poisoning.
The Nobel Prize in Medicine Dr Linus Pauling demonstrated that all modern diseases can be attributed to cellular disorders caused by poisoning in their environment, cells damaged by trauma or chemical processes cannot regenerate and renew themselves properly unless cell membranes are flexible and healthy.

60 Tablets (1 Treatment) - $182.00